list of wants dating online

Looks vs Character: The Battle Against Superficiality

If you had to choose between Looks vs character, which would you choose? Thankfully when approaching relationships a person doesn’t have to choose between looks vs character. Both play an important role within relationship. Yet, too often people place more emphasis on looks rather than character. Most people when choosing whom to date are driven […]

from friends to dating

From Friends to Dating: When you desire something more

Have you ever found yourself desiring something more with a longtime friend? Many romantic relationships form as a result of an initial interest. Meaning the two really didn’t know each other before they began the journey of a romantic friendship, which would hopefully evolve. Yet there are instances when two people initially formed a platonic […]

Courting Relationship Lacking Attraction

Should You End a Courting Relationship Lacking Attraction?

What should you do when your relationship is lacking attraction? In order to approach this subject with care, the podcast will be split into three different segments. We will answer the question from the view of a newly forming relationship (dating), a deep committed relationship (courting), and a life bonded relationship (married). Each of these […]