Should you Kiss on the First Date?

Who hasn’t seen a movie or heard of a first date ending with a kiss, but should it?

There is a thought, that if a date goes well it should end with a kiss, and if not the date is possibly a failure. Not everyone takes this position, but there is a cultural norm for a dating couple to have some form of physical intimacy early in the dating process, and this physical intimacy is seen as a positive sign. Where does this idea come from? Most of the time when people begin dating they don’t know each other, or have little acquaintance. For people to share in something that is as intimate as a kiss with a stranger what does that say? Where does physical intimacy go from there as the relationship progresses? Should you kiss on a first date?

In this podcast episode we welcome special guest, Daphne Wynn, host of Straight Talk with Daphne out of Atlanta. We take a hard look at the idea of kissing on the first date, or first couple dates. What does kissing say about the status of a relationship? 

Is physical attraction the primary standard of whom people choose to kiss? 

I believe as a result of cultural dating norms, we are in danger of devaluing physical intimacy. Physical touch says something. It also creates physical and emotional bonds. Therefore, who people bond themselves with shouldn’t be cheapened to just a good date & attraction.

Hosted by Pastor Brian Wallace & Quest Daphne Wynn


Picture Copyright by Peter Bernik / 123RF photos

Article by PastorWallace