How to Tell Someone You’re not Interested?

tell someone you're not interested

Meeting people for the purpose of a long term relationship is part of the Data-Collecting process. Often times, you may not know each other at all, or at least in a romantic way. What you do know is that you like them. This is a fun and exciting time until you realize they’re not the one. Then the question may come up; how do you tell someone you’re not interested?

Breaking off a romantic pursuit can be challenging!

There are good ways and not so good ways to tell someone you’re not interested. There are times when people get the message and other times when they don’t. In this podcast episode we want to talk about the good and the bad. We’ll share helpful hints to assist you in the awkwardness of the data collecting (dating) stage, and how to tell someone you’re not interested? Also look for the follow up episode where we’ll focus on breaking up a long term relationship.

Key scripture: Col 4:6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Hosted by Brian Wallace, Keonte McDonald and Guest Kristin McDonald.


Photo Copyright by Roman Kosolapov / 123 Photo

Article by PastorWallace